Your KDP Reports Made Useful


Track all your royalties in one single app. All your stats refresh automatically as they roll in. No need to refresh, import, or click a single button. It's always there, live.


With a super simple yet powerful interface, AKreport will let you track all your sales from royalties or KENP in a centralized panel, that contains all the info you need.


We will never ask for your password, and your sensitive data are always 100% private and safe and we can guarantee that. We take security issues very seriously.

The KDP Dashboard you always Wanted

Sort According to your Needs

AKreport offers a variety of options to sort your sales table. Sort according to Total Revenue, Paperback Revenue, Pages Read, Free Units, Paid Units, or even Rating and Ranking. The most flexible system on the market.

Track your Sales

No matter where you are in the world, through AKreport, you will be able to track not only your analytic sales, but also the sales ranking and rating of your books, the changes you make, and every useful detail a KDP publisher needs.

Custom Book Alias

Authors some times need to designate their books in their interface or keep some special notes about each book.

That's why we have implemented the custom aliases feature. Now you can change the title of a book in the AKreport interface without altering the actual name of the book on your KDP account.

Find the book you want in seconds with the custom aliases feature.

Multi-functional Environment

✓ No need to upload or install anything.
✓ Track your Sales, Paperback and KENP royalties separately.
✓ Track the sales rank and rating of your books.
✓ Customize your dashboard according to your preference.
✓ Have your whole sales analytics in a super useful panel.
✓ Sort your data according to your criteria.
✓ Create custom book lists according to your needs.
✓ Use custom book aliases for easy tracking.
✓ Import your data from previous months and start right away.
✓ View earnings per different Amazon store.

Custom Book Lists

With custom book lists you'll be able to create lists of books for quick access. All KDP reports tools face the same issue. It takes ages to select or deselect all the books you want in your report.

With AKreport, selecting or deselecting only the specific books you need, is a breeze. After you create your custom lists with books, you'll have it ready to select in your book picker.

So for example, in this way you can create a list of all your fiction or non-fiction books and view their data with a click.

Access from Anywhere

With our app, you won't have to download anything. Whether you are a Mac, PC, or Linux user, this app works. Log through Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera or Internet Explorer. Our technology ensures that you will have the same experience no matter what your working environment is.

What our clients are saying

When I first started publishing, I was using BookReports which seemed to be the standard. After trying out AKreport I found that the amount of information was much more detailed and easier to give me an overview of my books performance. The support is great and I see no reason to stop using AKReport in my publishing business.

Chris Canberra Bestselling fiction publisher
Russ Raj Bestselling fiction publisher

I've been lucky enough to be using AKreport since it first came out. AKreport has grown so much since then along with my income. I have a 6 figure publishing business and AKreport plays a big role in that. I use it daily to track my income, view the projected month end income, quickly scan my rankings, and tons of other features Roberto and Nasos keep adding. Their attention to detail and commitment to making AK Report is top notch, I highly recommend this software!

AKreport has become an integral part of my day to day business. It allows me to get a snapshot of my KDP business anytime. I highly recommend it for streamlining your day to day operations and for ease of access to your library. The support from AKreport is top notch should you have any questions or concerns.

Kelli Gherasim Bestselling fiction publisher


AKreport comes 100% for free for all authors who earn less than $1,000 per month. We know how hard it is to scale your business at first, and we don't want to add an extra burden to that. If you scale, we scale :-)

If your revenue is more than $1,000 you can choose which of our plans you want to use. You can cancel at any time, no questions asked, no hidden fees.

It's as simple as that. For pennies a day, you can enjoy the power of our app and save yourselves hours of precious time.

We take your privacy very seriously, so we won't ask for any unnecessary information - like your real name or address during the checkout process.


  • Import Previous Data
  • Responsive Mobile Interface
  • Aggregated Sales Figures
  • Multiple KENP Rates
  • Paperback Sales
  • Statistics per marketplace

Extra Features

  • Custom Book Lists
  • Book Aliases
  • Book Ratings
  • Book Ranks
  • Best Effort Support

€8 / mo

when paid yearly
€10 when paid monthly 

100% FREE if you earn less than $1,000/mo

No credit card required.



  • Import Previous Data
  • Responsive Mobile Interface
  • Aggregated Sales Figures
  • Multiple KENP Rates
  • Paperback Sales
  • Statistics per marketplace

Extra Features

  • Custom Book Lists
  • Book Aliases
  • Book Ratings
  • Book Ranks
  • Priority Support

€16 / mo

when paid yearly
€20 when paid monthly

No credit card required.

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